How to Properly Pack Your Items When Moving House
How to properly pack your items when moving house?
Moving house can be a stressful and time-consuming endeavor, so it is best to have an organised system to ensure the process runs smoothly. The following are steps you can take to make your moving experience as stress free and organised as possible:
- The first step is to make a list of everything that needs to be done so that you can check off everything as it is completed.
- Before you begin packing, make sure you have everything you will need for it and designate a convenient location in your house as the packing supplies area, for example: house moving boxes and packaging supplies such as bubble wrap, newspaper, strong packing tape, scissors, as well as anything else you will need. These can be brought from packaging suppliers. Set aside the heavy-duty boxes for heavier items. Specialty boxes may be required for items not easily transported, such as household plants, large mirrors, and framed pictures.
- Remember, you will always need more supplies than you think you will, especially boxes! House removal boxes can be brought from moving packaging supplies companies or free from the grocery store and recycled or resold once you are finished with them. You can also utilise your own luggage, bags and regular household items like rubbish bins to store objects.
- When you begin packing, start with the items you use least, such as those which you store in the garage, basement or attic. The earlier you can begin, the better. Items you do not use regularly can be packed well ahead of time, and the more you can pack beforehand, the more stress free moving day will be.
- Where possible, try to complete one room at a time, checking everything off on your list as you go. Once one room is completed, such as the garage, it can be used to store all the boxes that are packed and ready to go until the move.
- When packing fragile items, be sure to wrap each item separately in bubble wrap or old newspapers and clearly label the box as fragile.
- Never pack a box solely with heavy items. Try to combine heavy items with light ones in each box in order to distribute weight more, for example, half filled with books, half with blankets. Be sure to label heavier boxes as heavy.
- Once each box has been packed, ensure it is properly sealed and secure with strong packaging tape.
- Clearly label all boxes with your name, the items they contain and the room they belong in.
- If you are going to be moving some items in your car, prioritise valuables, important documents, and essential items you will want immediately on arrival in your new house.
- Once everything is packed and loaded in the moving vans, go through the whole house double checking wardrobes, cabinets and drawers, and make sure everything is checked off on your check-list.
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