The delightful market town of Bourne sits on the eastern side of the South Kesteven district, bordering the Fens. The town dates from Anglo Saxon times and was built around a series of natural springs in what is now the Wellhead Gardens.
In the centre of the town in the beautiful setting of green open space stands the Wellhead and Bourne Memorial Gardens, on the site of Bourne Castle. The gardens are open daily for visitors to enjoy.
Popular places to visit in Bourne
Grimsthorpe Castle

If you are looking for Grimsthorpe Castle travel information, Expedia has you covered. When visiting the Bourne area, Expedia can provide you with extensive Grimsthorpe Castle information, as well as great savings on nearby hotels and flights! Let Expedia help inspire your next travel plans!
Leave plenty of time for sightseeing tours – you wouldn’t want to miss out on top attractions like this one and many more! And before you go, make sure to read Expedia’s sightseeing & tourist guide, filled with all you need to know for the best Grimsthorpe Castle experience possible.
Burghley House

If you are looking for Burghley House travel information, Expedia has you covered. When visiting the Stamford area, Expedia can provide you with extensive Burghley House information, as well as great savings on nearby hotels and flights! Let Expedia help inspire your next travel plans!
Leave plenty of time for sightseeing tours – you wouldn’t want to miss out on top attractions like this one and many more! And before you go, make sure to read Expedia’s sightseeing & tourist guide, filled with all you need to know for the best Burghley House experience possible.
Rutland Water Nature Reserve

Can’t wait for your trip to Rutland Water Nature Reserve? Need some tips about what to see when you get there? That’s what we’re here for!
Discover the time-worn corridors and rooms of Oakham Castle. This grand structure provides an informative side trip for everyone. Travelers have a great range of options in and around this destination. Take in the vast range of plants, trees and flowers at Barnsdale Gardens. If you feel confident, try pronouncing their botanical names! Still have time to spare? If you wouldn’t mind some spiritual enlightenment on your getaway, call in to Normanton Church.
Belvoir Castle

If you are looking for Belvoir Castle travel information, Expedia has you covered. When visiting the Grantham area, Expedia can provide you with extensive Belvoir Castle information, as well as great savings on nearby hotels and flights! Let Expedia help inspire your next travel plans!
Leave plenty of time for sightseeing tours – you wouldn’t want to miss out on top attractions like this one and many more! And before you go, make sure to read Expedia’s sightseeing & tourist guide, filled with all you need to know for the best Belvoir Castle experience possible.
Peterborough Cathedral

If you are looking for Peterborough Cathedral travel information, Expedia has you covered. When visiting the Peterborough area, Expedia can provide you with extensive Peterborough Cathedral information, as well as great savings on nearby hotels and flights! Let Expedia help inspire your next travel plans!
Leave plenty of time for sightseeing tours – you wouldn’t want to miss out on top attractions like this one and many more! And before you go, make sure to read Expedia’s sightseeing & tourist guide, filled with all you need to know for the best Peterborough Cathedral experience possible.
Belton House

If you are looking for Belton House travel information, Expedia has you covered. When visiting the Grantham area, Expedia can provide you with extensive Belton House information, as well as great savings on nearby hotels and flights! Let Expedia help inspire your next travel plans!
Leave plenty of time for sightseeing tours – you wouldn’t want to miss out on top attractions like this one and many more! And before you go, make sure to read Expedia’s sightseeing & tourist guide, filled with all you need to know for the best Belton House experience possible.
Discover the great outdoors
On the outskirts of the town sits Bourne Woods, offering miles of walking on accessible, well-marked tracks, a large picnic area and a sculpture trail.
Ten minutes on from Bourne Woods on the A151 is Grimsthorpe Castle with magnificent state rooms, acres of gardens, parkland walks, an adventure playground and special events all through the summer. The cycle hire shop at the castle will provide everything required to enjoy the lakeside cycle trails.
Visit one of the UK’s oldest trees – The Bowthorpe Oak – at Manthorpe, which is also a working farm offering visitors the chance to see lambs and sheep shearing.
Bourne is a great base for a Lincolnshire holiday. Discover things to do, enjoy locally sourced food and drink and seek out a superb range of visitor attractions across South Kesteven.